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Lecture: Recurrent Neural Networks

Administrative Information

Title Recurrent Neural Networks
Duration 60 minutes
Module B
Lesson Type Lecture
Focus Technical - Deep Learning
Topic Multiple (Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM))


Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Backpropagation Trough Time (BPTT), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM),

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Learning Events to be Completed Before

Obligatory for Students

Optional for Students


References and background for students


Recommended for Teachers


Lesson materials

Instructions for Teachers

In the beginning a general overview of sequential data is recommended. Here, you can discuss the main challanges of modeling sequential data (including receptive field, multidimensionality and multiscale nature).

Later we introduce RNNs first, with the basic principles and show that training RNNs after unfolding is very simlar to training MLPs, but the input, recurrent and output weight matrices are shared.

We introduce BPTT (Backpropagation through time) and the truncated version.

Next, we discuss how the vanishing gradient problem makes RNNs impractical.

In order to solve the vanishing gradient, we introduce the LSTM architecture, which has an inner memory part (also reffered to as memory cell), which does not have any activatoin - so vanishing gradient does not occure here. Please make it really clear, that the gating mechanism is truly controlled by the data.

At the final part of the lecture, we show that LSTM (and RNN, indeed) layers can be stacked onto each other with one or two directions. (uni- and bidirectional networks)


Time schedule
Duration (Min) Description
10 Sequential data introduction
15 Recurrent neural networks and Backpropagation through time
5 Vanishing gradients in RNNs
20 LSTMs
5 Stacking RNN/LSTM layers
5 Conclusions


Balint Gyires-Tóth (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.