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Lecture: Introduction General Explainable AI

Administrative Information

Title Introduction to General Explainable AI
Duration 60 mins
Module B
Lesson Type Lecture
Focus Ethical - Trustworthy AI
Topic General Explainable AI


Explainable Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,Deep Learning,Interpretability,Comprehensibility,Transparency,Privacy,Fairness,Accountability,Responsible Artificial Intelligence,

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Learning Events to be Completed Before


Obligatory for Students

  • Fundamentals of Python Programming
  • Fundamentals of Machine Learning

Optional for Students

  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning (1st ed. 2021 Edition) by Uday Kamath (Author), John Liu (Author)

Recommended for Teachers

Lesson materials

Instructions for Teachers

This lecture provides general insights into the field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). Our reliance on artificial intelligence models is further discussed. Teachers can emphasize that recent laws have also caused the urgency about explaining and defending the decisions made by AI systems. This lecture discusses tools and techniques to visualize, explain, and build trustworthy AI systems.


Duration Topic Description
5 mins Introduction Definition of XAI. Why is XAI Important and What Problems Does It Solve.
5 mins Dimensions of Explainability What Does Explainability Mean. What Criteria Does It Have to Answer.
20 mins Approaches to Explainability Transparent Models and Opaque Models.
20 mins Explainability Techniques Approaching Explainability with Model-Specific and Model-Agnostic Techniques.
10 mins Closing Remarks Discussion with Students. Questions and Answers.


This presentation was developed by Christina Todorova and Dr George Sharkov at the European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe.

The presentation is heavily based on and uses materials and structure from the work of Belle V., Papantonis I., "Principles and Practice of Explainable Machine Learning“ and Arrieta, A. B. et al., “Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Concepts, Taxonomies, Opportunities and Challenges Toward Responsible AI”. Please, consider reading their original research.

The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.