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Practical: Practice with XAI models 1

Administrative Information

Title Practice with XAI models 1
Duration 60 mins
Module B
Lesson Type Practical
Focus Ethical - Trustworthy AI
Topic General Explainable AI


SHAP, Explainable AI,

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Obligatory for Students


Optional for Students


References and background for students


Recommended for Teachers


Lesson materials

Instructions for Teachers

Exercises to practice with XAI models (SHAP) - AI models pre-provided, so students only have to apply XAI packages.

Datasets can be selected so models might have interesting properties that become apparent when viewed with XAI (a bias that might have ethical concerns).

In this notebook practical, the limits of SHAP are also discussed, and it's difficulty in detecting interaction effects.


Instructors can choose to let students work individually or in groups on the practical notebook for the entire class (60 mins) or spend time discussing the results immediately in class.


The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.