Programme Context

The most challenging aspects of developing self-driving automobiles are not technological. Ernst Dickmanns (a developer of self-driving cars (Delcker, 2018)) contends that it is addressing the social and ethical concerns linked with technical advancement that are now “front of mind” in firms developing self-driving cars rather than overcoming technological hurdles. A great deal of technological development has been achieved in self-driving automobiles and a myriad of other fields of application. It is projected that AI technology will develop further in the future years as more data and computing power become accessible.

The Human-Centered AI Master’s Programme is geared toward training professionals to become social value-oriented AI architects. These AI architects pay special attention to the responsible application of artificial intelligence.

Graduates of the Programme

Our Master’s Programme in Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence is built to train professionals in the field as socially-responsible and ethically aware AI architects. In particular,  these architects pay attention to the responsible application of AI, in line with the vision of the European Union.

The final qualifications and the structure of the master’s programme have been drawn up and validated, in terms of content, desired competence level and orientation, by the professional field, the Advisory Board and researchers. The final qualifications are deliberately based on the international specifications in e-CF (CEN, 2018), EDISON (EDISON Community Initiative, 2018) and ICT Ethics (EU ICT Ethics, 2020), in order to maintain the link with the international requirements specified in EQF (European Commission, 2008). The level used as a guide is level 4 of e-CF (equivalent to EQF and NLQF level 7).

The vision of the internationalization of the programme is aimed at connecting and seeking exchange with international partners and networks for the benefit of a good international frame of reference. We offer our students options for student mobility, as well as opportunities to draw on the experience of international experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Within the Master’s Programme, we believe in the hands-on approach to education. This approach results in an educational culture that focuses on research findings that can be used in practice, making them relevant and immediately applicable. Simultaneously, emphasis is placed on the validity and dependability of the research methodologies and procedures employed.

We establish task areas that are guided by top-level professionals in the field. We achieve this through collaboration with network partners from enterprises of all shapes, sizes and expertise. Real-life challenges from professional practice serve as the foundation for the programme as much as possible, but also in conjunction with a strong theoretical foundation.

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