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Lecture: Decision Theory

Administrative Information

Title Decision theory
Duration 60
Module A
Lesson Type Lecture
Focus Technical - Foundations ​of AI
Topic Foundations of AI


consequentialism, subjectivism, probability theory, utility theory, decision theory, optimal decision, bounded rationality, satisficing, cognitive bias, effective altruism, off-switch game, sequential decisions, value of information, multi-armed bandit, exploration-exploitation dilemma,

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Learning Events to be Completed Before

Obligatory for Students

  • Probability distribution, conditional probability, expected value (e.g from AIMA4e or wikipedia)
  • Influence diagram

Optional for Students

  • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 4th Global ed. by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Pearson (AIMA4e):ch12-18

References and background for students

  • AIMA4e:ch12-18

Recommended for Teachers

Lesson materials

Instructions for Teachers

Outline/time schedule

Duration Description Concepts Activity Material
5 Sources of uncertainty and Interpretations of probability uncertainty
5 Bernoulli and multinomial distributions univariate distributions
5 Axioms of probability theory (additivity) probability theory
5 Elements and graphical notation of a single-step decision problem: the decision network of stochastic→utility/loss←action nodes decision problem
5 Utility and loss functions, common loss functions and matrices preferences
5 Expected value, the maximum expected utility principle optimal decision
5 Conditional probability and Bayes' theorem (for two variables and with condition) conditional probability
5 Independence and conditional independence independence
5 Example of a Naive Bayesian network Naive Bayes net
5 Example of decision network based on a Naive Bayesian network
5 Posterior inference and selection of optimal decision posterior inference
5 Between evidence inference and calculation of the value of information value of information


The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.