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Lecture: Derivation and application of backpropagation

Administrative Information

Title Derivation and application of backpropagation
Duration 60
Module B
Lesson Type Lecture
Focus Technical - Deep Learning
Topic Deriving and Implementing Backpropagation


Backpropagation, activation functions, dieivation,

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Learning Events to be Completed Before

Obligatory for Students

  • Calculus revision (derivatives, partial derivatives, the Chain rule)

Optional for Students


References and background for students

  • John D Kelleher and Brain McNamee. (2018), Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics, MIT Press.
  • Michael Nielsen. (2015), Neural Networks and Deep Learning, 1. Determination press, San Francisco CA USA.
  • Charu C. Aggarwal. (2018), Neural Networks and Deep Learning, 1. Springer
  • Antonio Gulli,Sujit Pal. Deep Learning with Keras, Packt, [ISBN: 9781787128422].

Recommended for Teachers


Lesson materials

Instructions for Teachers

This lecture will introduce students to the fundamentals of the backpropagation algorithm. This lecture will start with the notion of the curse of dimensionality leading to the need of a heuristic approach - followed by the overview of how gradient can be used to adjust the weights. This then introduces the backpropagation algorithm. We then also introduce the hyperparameter of learning rate and a brief over view of the affect of large and small values (this will be expanded in Lecture 3). Then using the same introductory network from Lecture 1, we derive the outer layer backpropagation formula, and then finally, we will derive the inner layer backpropagation algorithm. This lecture concludes with examples of different activation functions, and how the algorithm can be applied. The corresponding tutorial will include additional pen and paper derivations, practical examples and the use of code (just Numpy and the KERAS) to implement the backpropagation algorithm.


Time schedule
Duration (Min) Description
5 Introduction to learning, gradient and learning rate
20 Derivation of the backpropagation algorithm for the outer layer (Sigmoid)
20 Derivation of the backpropagation algorithm for the hidden layer (Sigmoid)
10 Implementing the backpropagation algorithm and the use of different activation functions for each layer
5 Recap on the backpropagation algorithm


The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.