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Lecture: ML-Ops Lifecycle

Administrative Information

Title MLOPs Life Cycle
Duration 60
Module B
Lesson Type Lecture
Focus Practical - Organisational AI
Topic End-to-end overview of the MLOPs lifecycle


MLOPs,Organizational AI,Ethical,Design,

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Learning Events to be Completed Before

Optional for Students

  • Data Preparation and Management: Before diving into MLOps, it's beneficial to understand the initial phases of the machine learning process, especially data collection, cleaning, and preprocessing
  • Model Training and Validation: A grasp of how models are trained, validated, and evaluated will provide a solid foundation for understanding the operational aspects of ML.
  • Hyperparameter Tuning: While not always covered in depth in MLOps courses, understanding hyperparameter tuning can be beneficial as it's a crucial step in model optimization.
  • MLOps Tools and Platforms: Familiarity with tools like Kubeflow, Azure ML, and others can give students a head start.
  • Documentation Practices in ML: Proper documentation is essential in MLOps for reproducibility and collaboration. Understanding best practices in ML documentation can be advantageous.
  • CRISP-DM, CRISP-ML, ML Canvas: These are methodologies and frameworks for ML project management. Having a basic understanding can be beneficial for the operational side of ML projects.

Recommended for Teachers

  • N/A

Lesson materials

Instructions for Teachers

Most of the preparation items are set up and introductions to the tools used.


Outline/time schedule
Duration (Min) Description
10 AI is Software 2.0
15 MLOPs - about great deployment and monitoring
10 An overview of MLOPs testing
15 Runtime, Tooling and Performance considerations
10 A Complete MLOPs testing Paradigm


Tarry Singh. (Real AI B.V., Assen, The Netherlands) https://realai.eu

The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.