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Practical: Practice with XAI models 2

Administrative Information

Title XAI Hands-on Assignment
Duration 60 minutes
Module B
Lesson Type Practical
Focus Ethical - Trustworthy AI
Topic General Explainable AI


SHAP, LIME, Explainable AI,

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Obligatory for Students

  • Follow XAI lecture(s)
  • Complete Practical Practice with XAI models 1

Optional for Students


References and background for students


Recommended for Teachers

  • Solutions are available in the notebook provided.

Lesson materials

Instructions for Teachers

Instructions are provided in the notebook

Outline of lecture

Duration (min) Description
0-10 min Read aim and purpose of exercises and run preparation steps in the notebook.
5-10 min Excerise 1a: create SHAP model for given dataset/AI-model.
5-10 min Exercise 1b: reflect on outcomes of SHAP model.
5-10 min Exercise 2a: create LIME model for same dataset/AI-model.
5-10 min Exercise 2b: reflect on outcomes of LIME model.
10-15 min Exercise 3: reflect on differences between LIME and SHAP outcomes, reflect on applicability of LIME vs. SHAP.
10-15 min Exercise 4: reflect on human-centered aspects of applying XAI (vs. clarifying the AI-model).
10-15min (Optional) Exercise 5: Experiment with LIME/SHAP-tool to see differences in outcomes from LIME/SHAP.


The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.