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Tutorial: Research portfolio

Administrative Information

Title Research Portfolio: Preparing a Scientific Poster
Duration 90 mins
Module D
Lesson Type Tutorial
Focus Ethical Research in Practice
Topic Research skills


Scientific Poster,Research Communication,Poster Design,Data Visualization,Visual Hierarchy,Effective Presentation,Information Organization,

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Obligatory for Students

  • Review the things learnt in the expected learning events.

Lesson materials


Instructions for Teachers

This tutorial aims to introduce students to the concept of a scientific paper. The core goal for the teachers is to provide general insights into how a scientific poster is structured and presented based on whether the poster reports on research which has already been conducted, or proposes a topic to be explored in the future. Teachers are encouraged to edit the lecture materials or the structure of this tutorial to best fit their own experience or their audience.


A sample breakdown of the proposed tutorial topics follows below:

Duration Topic Description
5 mins Introduction Briefly introduce the purpose and importance of scientific posters. Emphasize the role of posters in academic and professional settings.
15 mins Scientific Report Poster Structure Explain the key components of a scientific report poster, including sections such as abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Discuss the purpose of each section and its significance in effectively conveying research findings.
15 mins Scientific Proposal Poster Structure Discuss the essential sections of a scientific proposal poster, covering the abstract, introduction, research objectives, methodology, timeline, and references. Explain the unique role of each section in presenting a comprehensive research proposal.
25 mins General Guidelines Provide comprehensive guidelines for effective poster design, covering typography, visual hierarchy, design principles, and recommended tools and software. Discuss ethical guidelines for scientific work, including proper attribution, etc.
20 mins Poster Pitch Tips and Tricks Share strategies for delivering engaging poster presentations, including how to address questions, adapt to different audiences, and effectively convey research findings. Encourage active participation and discussion among the participants.
10 mins Questions and Discussion Open the floor for participants to ask questions and seek clarifications on any of the covered topics.
5 mins Concluding Remarks Summarize the key takeaways from the tutorial, emphasize the importance of clear communication, and encourage participants to apply the learning in their research.


The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.