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Tutorial: Fundamentals of deep learning

Administrative Information

Title Tutorial: Fundamental of deep learning
Duration 180 min (60 min per tutorial)
Module B
Lesson Type Tutorial
Focus Technical - Deep Learning
Topic Forward and Backpropagation


forward propagation,backpropagation,hyperparameter tuning,

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Learning Events to be Completed Before

Obligatory for Students

  • John D Kelleher and Brain McNamee. (2018), Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics, MIT Press.
  • Michael Nielsen. (2015), Neural Networks and Deep Learning, 1. Determination press, San Francisco CA USA.
  • Charu C. Aggarwal. (2018), Neural Networks and Deep Learning, 1. Springer
  • Antonio Gulli,Sujit Pal. Deep Learning with Keras, Packt, [ISBN: 9781787128422].

Optional for Students

  • Matrices multiplication
  • Getting started with Numpy
  • Knowledge of linear and logistic regression

References and background for students


Recommended for Teachers


Lesson materials


Instructions for Teachers

This Learning Event consists of three sets of tutorials covering fundamental deep learning topics. This tutorial series consists of providing an overview of a forward pass, the derivation of backpropagation and the use of code to provide an overview for students on what each parameter does, and how it can affect learning and convergence of a neural network:

  1. Forward propagation: Pen and paper examples, and python examples using Numpy (for fundamentals) and Keras showing a high level module (which uses Tensorflow 2.X).
  2. Deriving and applying backpropagation: Pen and paper examples, and python examples using Numpy (for fundamentals) and Keras showing a high level module (which uses Tensorflow 2.X).
  3. Hyperparameter tuning: Keras examples highlighting exemplar diagnostic plots based on the effects for changing specific hyperparameters (using a HCAIM example dataset Data sets for teaching ethical AI (Census Dataset).

Notes for delivery (as per lectures)

Tutorial 1 - Forward propagation

Teacher instructions

Neural network.png

Time: 60 minutes

Outline/time schedule
Duration (Min) Description
20 Problem 1: Pen and Paper implementation of a forward pass (example from the lecture)
20 Problem 2: Developing a neural network from scratch using Numpy (example from the lecture)
10 Problem 3: Developing a neural network from using Keras (example from the lecture with set weights and random weights)
10 Recap on the forward pass process

Tutorial 2 - Derivation and application of backpropagation

Teacher instructions

Time: 60 minutes

Outline/time schedule
Duration (Min) Description
20 (Optional) Problem 1: derivation of the backpropagation formula using the Sigmoid function for the inner and outer activation functions and MSE as the loss function (Optional)
20 Problem 2: Students will apply three activation functions for a single weight update (SGD backpropagation), using pen and paper for (20 Minutes):
20 Problem 3: Students will develop a neural network from scratch using only the Numpy module, where the user can select from any of three hidden layer activation functions where the code can preform backpropagation
10 Problem 4: Students will using the Tensorflow 2.X module with the inbuild Keras module, preform backpropagation using SGD.
10 Recap on the forward pass process

Tutorial 3 - Hyperparameter tuning

Teacher instructions

Time: 60 minutes

Outline/time schedule
Duration (Min) Description
5 Pre-processing the data
10 Capacity and depth tunning (under and over fitting)
10 Epochs (under and over training)
10 Batch sizes (for noise suppression)
10 Activation functions (and their effects on performance - time and accuracy)
10 Learning rates (vanilla, LR Decay, Momentum, Adaptive)
5 Recap on some staple hyperparameters (ReLu, Adam) and the tunning of others (capacity and depth).


Keith Quille (TU Dublin, Tallaght Campus) http://keithquille.com

The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.