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Lecture: Research proposal writing

Administrative Information

Title Lecture: Research proposal writing
Duration 60
Module D
Lesson Type Lecture
Focus Ethical research in practice
Topic Proposal


Ethics,Research project,Literature review,Commettee,

Learning Goals

Expected Preparation

Obligatory for Students

  • None

Optional for Students

  • None

References and background for students

  • Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J. "Writing a research proposal: The role of library anxiety, statistics anxiety, and composition anxiety." Library & Information Science Research 19.1 (1997): 5-33.
  • Connelly, Lynne M. "Ethical considerations in research studies." Medsurg Nursing 23.1 (2014): 54-56.
  • Munhall, Patricia L. "Ethical considerations in qualitative research." Western Journal of Nursing Research 10.2 (1988): 150-162.
  • Ketefian, Shaké. "Ethical considerations in research. Focus on vulnerable groups." Investigación y Educación en Enfermería 33.1 (2015): 164-172.
  • Carter, Rickey E., et al. "Pragmatic considerations for fostering reproducible research in artificial intelligence." NPJ digital medicine 2.1 (2019): 1-3.
  • Sallstrom, Laura, Olive Morris, and Halak Mehta. "Artificial intelligence in Africa’s healthcare: Ethical considerations." (2019).

Recommended for Teachers

  • None

Lesson materials

Instructions for Teachers

The lesson includes comprehensive guidance on crafting a research proposal. It covers topics like the purpose and structure of a research proposal, ethical considerations, and common mistakes to avoid. Key sections include the definition of a research proposal, its objectives, comparison with other academic activities, detailed structuring guidelines (such as introduction, literature review, methodology, budget and timeline, conclusions, and bibliography), and the importance of considering ethical fairness and privacy. The lesson also provides examples of failures in research proposals and recommends further readings for in-depth understanding.


Time schedule
Duration (Min) Description
10 Introduction and background knoledge
35 Structuring a research proposal
10 Notable examples
5 Conclusive remarks


The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was Co-Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.